

丁雪辰,发展与教育心理学博士,副教授,硕士生导师,毕业于华东师范大学心理与认知科学学院,中国心理学会青年工作委员会委员,上海心理学会德育工作委员会委员,上海师范大学儿童发展与家庭研究中心成员。主要研究领域为儿童社会性发展,近年来主要关注儿童社会退缩、拒绝敏感性、同伴关系、社会情绪适应等主题,在SSCICSSCI期刊上发表论文50余篇,担任《Child Development》、《Development and Psychopathology》、《Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology》、《心理学报》等国内外多个权威期刊审稿人。



E-mail: dingxuechen_psy@163.comdingxuechen@shnu.edu.cn








  1. Ding, X., Ooi, L. L., Coplan, R. J., Zhang, W., & Yao, W. (2021). Longitudinal relations between rejection sensitivity and adjustment in Chinese children: Moderating effect of emotion regulation. The Journal of Genetic Psychology.

  2. Wu, C., Li, J., Zhang, Y., Lan, C., Zhou, K., Wang, Y., Liu, L., & Ding, X. (2021). Can MOOC instructor be portrayed by semantic features? Using discourse and clustering analysis to identify instructors’ lecture-style in MOOCs. Frontiers in Psychology.

  3. Ding, X., Fu, R., Ooi, L. L., Coplan, R. J., Zheng, Q., & Deng, X. (2020). Relations between different components of rejection sensitivity and adjustment in Chinese children. Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 67, 101119.

  4. Ding, X., Chen, X., Fu, R., Li, D., & Liu, J. (2020). Relations of shyness and unsociability with adjustment in migrant and non-migrant children in urban China. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 48, 289-230.

  5. Ding, X., Coplan, R. J., Deng, X., Ooi, L., Li, D., & Sang, B. (2019). Sad, scared, or rejected? A short-term longitudinal study of the predictors of social avoidance in Chinese children. Journal of Abnormal Child Psychology, 47, 1265-1276.

  6. Deng, X., Cheng, C., Chou, H. M., & Ding, X. (2019). Prefer Feeling Bad? Subcultural Differences in Emotional Preferences between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese. International Journal of Psychology, 54, 333-341.

  7. Deng, X., & Ding, X. (2019). Contra-Hedonic Attitudes toward Pleasant Emotions in China: Links to Cultural Values, Emotion Expression and Depression. Journal of Social and Clinical Psychology, 39, 38, 140-159.

  8. Sang, B., Ding, X., Coplan, R. J., Liu, J., Pan, T., & Feng, X. (2018). Assessment and Implications of Social Avoidance in Chinese Early Adolescents. Journal of Early Adolescence, 38, 554-573.

  9. Liu, Y., Sang, B., Liu, J., Gong, S., & Ding, X. (2018). Parental support and homework emotions in Chinese children: Mediating roles of homework self-efficacy and emotion regulation strategies. Educational Psychology, 39, 617-635.

  10. Deng, X., Ding, X., Cheng, C., & Chou, H. M. (2016). Feeling Happy and Sad at the Same Time? Subcultural Differences in Experiencing Mixed Emotions between Han Chinese and Mongolian Chinese. Frontiers in Psychology, 7, 1692.

  11. Coplan, R. J., Liu, J., Ooi, L., Chen, X., Li, D., & Ding, X. (2016). A person-oriented analysis of social withdrawal in Chinese children. Social Development, 25, 794-811.

  12. Ding, X., Coplan, R. J., Sang, B., Liu, J., Pan, T., & Cheng, C. (2015). Young Chinese children’s beliefs about the implications of subtypes of social withdrawal: A first look at social avoidance. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33, 159-173.

  13. Ding, X., Coplan, R. J., Sang, B., Liu, J., Pan, T., & Cheng, C. (2015). Starting small: Revisiting young children’s perceptions of social withdrawal in China. British Journal of Developmental Psychology, 33, 183-186.

  14. Ding, X., Weeks, M., Liu, J., Sang, B., & Zhou, Y. (2015). Relations between unsociability and peer problems in Chinese children: Moderating effect of behavioral control. Infant and Child Development, 24, 94-103.

  15. Liu, J., Chen, X., Coplan, R. J., Ding, X., Zarbatany, L., & Ellis, W. (2015). Shyness and unsociability and their relations with adjustment in Chinese and Canadian children. Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology, 46, 371-386.

  16. Ding, X., Liu, J., Coplan, R. J., Chen, X., Li, D., & Sang, B. (2014). Self-reported shyness in Chinese children: Validation of the Children’s Shyness Questionnaire and exploration of its links with adjustment and the role of coping. Personality and Individual Differences, 68, 183-188.

  17. Liu, J., Coplan, R. J., Chen, X., Li, D., Ding, X., & Zhou, Y. (2014). Unsociability and shyness in Chinese children: Concurrent and predictive relations with indices of adjustment. Social Development, 23, 119-136.