个 人 简 介
范为桥目前任全国普通高校毕业生就业创业指导委员会专家组成员(就业评价与统计专家组和医药卫生行业就业创业指导专家组),中国劳动经济学会职业生涯管理分会副理事长,上海-MSU(密歇根州立大学)生涯与工作心理学联合研究中心中方主任、上海学生职业生涯发展教育研究所所长、上海师范大学心理测评研究中心主任,美国心理学学会杂志《Chinese Journal of Career and Work Psychology》共同主编。范为桥曾担任美国生涯发展协会官方杂志《The Career Development Quarterly》特邀主编(2016年)。范为桥是中国心理学会、国际行为发展研究协会、亚太生涯发展协会和国际测量学会会员、中国社会心理学会人格心理专业委员会委员、中国心理卫生协会青少年专业委员会委员、上海市心理学会测量专业委员会副主任委员。范为桥还担任多家国际学术杂志的特约审稿人。
范为桥近年来先后主持国家社会科学基金项目、全国教育科学规划项目、教育部人文社科项目、上海市哲学社会科学等各级各类项目20余项,在Oxford University Press、Springer Publishing Company、Routledge等机构出版中英文学术著作(含合著)10部。在国内外知名心理学杂志如《Personality and Individual Difference》、《Journal Vocational Behavior》、《心理学报》、《Learning and Individual Difference》、《Journal of Career Assessment》、《The Career Development Quarterly》等发表学术论文(SCI、SSCI及CSSCI)80余篇。最近还应邀参与了《Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology》的编写工作。
联系方式: 电话:64323907-6409 电子邮箱:fanweiqiao@shnu.edu.cn
2021.7-2026.12:生涯发展视域下的大学教育公平促进研究.全国教育科学“十四五”规划2021年度课题(BIA210175, RMB200,000)
2018-2019:重点高校本科高年级学生学习体验和生涯发展调查 (香港大学教育学院合作项目, HKD343,000)
2018:高中学生生涯规划指导课程纲要研究.(上海市教卫系统思想政治工作研究会,2018-C-019,RMB 50,000)
2014.12-2017.12:社会变迁中城市流动青少年人格发展与社会适应的研究. (国家社会科学项目. 14BSH081. RMB 200, 000)
2013-2016:"A longitudinal Study of the Development of Career Self-efficacy among Chinese High School Students"(The GRF Grant 2012/13, CUHK 441812,HKD610,363)
2012-2014:上海中小学生涯规划教育调研. (上海市学生事务中心委托项目,RMB9万元)。
2011-2012:智力风格的应用研究. (诺姆四达委托项目,RMB1万元)。
2012-2014:智力风格影响初中生学习成绩的脑电研究(上海市教委创新项目2011年重点课题, RMB60,000)
2012-2015:中学生心理韧性的社会认知模型建构与介入研究. (上海市哲学社会科学教育规划2011重点课题,A1107,RMB80,000)
2010-2013:大学生职业发展的社会认知理论模型建构与研究(教育部人文社科青年基金项目,10YJCXLX005,RMB 70,000)
2010-2012: A cross-cultural study of personality and socialization antecedents of career self-efficacy among high school students. (Hong Kong Government RGC grant project, 441609 GRF) (HKD HK$ 659, 291)
2009-2011: 上海大学生本土人格特质、思维风格与职业兴趣研究. (上海师范大学, RMB 20,000.)
2009-2011: 智力风格的发展及其对学习成绩的贡献:传统与超媒体学习环境的比较. (上海市重点学科“发展与教育心理学 (#S30401). ”子课题. RMB 50,000)
2009-2010: An Investigation of Personality Traits, Resilience, and Mental Health Problems in Sichuan Earthquake Disaster Area. (CUHK Direct Grant, 2020994) (HK$ 24,000)
2007-2008: A Standardization of the Cross-cultural (Chinese) Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents (CPAI-A) in Mainland China (CUHK Direct Grant, 2020933). (HK$ 80, 000)
2001-2002:Teaching for Different Thinking Styles: Experimental Study One--Shanghai university students (The University of Hong Kong) (HKD 50, 000)
2002-2004:The inter-relationships among student characteristics, preferences in learning environment, and academic performance. (The University of Hong Kong) (HKD 20, 000)
2002-2003:The effects of thinking styles on the students’ achievements in the hypermedia environments (Sik Sik Yuen Research Grant,The University of Hong Kong)(HKD 3, 000)
2003-2004:A case study of the development of thinking styles in the hypermedia environment among university students(Sik Sik Yuen Research Grant, The University of Hong Kong)(HKD 3, 000)
2004-2005:A Study on the Relationship between Thinking Styles and Achievement Motivation(Sik Sik Yuen Research Grant, The University of Hong Kong)(HKD 3, 000)
2001-2002:思维风格、智力水平与学业成绩之相关研究(上海师范大学资助, RMB 5,000))
1999-2000:上海中学生的心理幸福研究 (上海市教委重点课题, RMB 10, 000).
期刊论文 (*表示范为桥为通讯作者)
Li, M., Fan, W., & Zhang, L. F. (2023). Career Adaptability and Career Choice Satisfaction: Roles of Career Self-Efficacy and SES. The Career Development Quarterly. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12334
Zhang, L., Wang, X., & Fan, W.*,&, Li, Y. (2023). Contributions of proactive personality to career decision self-efficacy: mediating effect of positive affect and moderating roles of social class and gender. Current Psychology. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12144-023-05014-0A
Li, M.,Fan, W.*, & Leong, F. T. L. (2023). Psychometric Assessment of the Grit Scale: Evidence from US and Chinese samples. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology.
Li, M., Bian, Q.,Fan, W.*, & Chen, X. (2023). The Development of School Satisfaction in Chinese Early Adolescents: The Contributions of Peer Liking and Academic Performance. Journal of Youth and Adolescence, 52(2): 359-369. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10964-022-01701-6 (Q1, IF:5.625)
周明洁 李府桂 穆蔚琦 范为桥 张建新 张妙清. (2023). 外圆内方:中国人人际关系性的潜在剖面结构及其适应性. 心理学报, 55 (3): 390-405.
范为桥,李梦婷,Frederick Leong,周明洁. (2022). 文化与超越:兼顾结构与功能的人格二元模型跨文化重构. 高等学校文科学术文,1:195-196
洪诗艺,张杰,范为桥,仲夏. (2022). 国内消防救援人员职业心理健康量表研究. 消防科学与技术, 8:1102-1105.
Zhang, L. F., Li, M., Fan, W., Chang, B., & Postiglione, G. A. (2022). Thinking styles and vocational identity among senior-year students in elite universities in mainland China. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 45, 101101. (Q1, IF:3.652)
Zhang, L., Fan, W.*, & Li, M. (2022). Proactive Personality and Entrepreneurial Intention: Social Class’ Moderating Effect among College students. The Career Development Quarterly, 70 (4), 271-283. https://doi.org/10.1002/cdq.12308 (Q3. IF:2.408)
Fan, W., Leong, F. T. L., Laher, S., Zhou, M., & Wang, K. (2022) Editorial: indigenous research of personality from perspectives of globalization and glocalization. Frontiers in Psychology. 13: 864494. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2022.864494 (Q1, IF:4.232)
Fan, W, Li, M, Leong, F. T. L., & Zhou, M. (2021) West Meets East in a New Two-Polarities Model of Personality: Combining Self-Relatedness Structure With Independent-Interdependent Functions. Front. Psychol. 12:739900. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.739900
Li, M., Fan, W.*, & Leong, F. T. L. (2021). Growth mindset of intelligence reduces counterproductive workplace behavior: A mediation analysis of occupational stress. International Journal of Selection and Assessment, 29, 519–526. https://doi.org/10.1111/ijsa.12347
Fan, W.*, Li, M., & Chen, X. (2021) Reciprocal Relationship Between Parenting Styles and Interpersonal Personality in Chinese Adolescents. Front. Psychol. 12:740026. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2021.740026
马玲玲, 余鸿燕, 范为桥*, 孟小. (2021).父母教养方式与随迁儿童问题行为关系的交叉滞后分析.心理与行为研究, 19 (3): 334-340.
Zhang, L., Fan, W.*, Wang, Z., Wang, X., & Yu., C. (2021). The antecedent role of proactive personality in career self-management. Journal of College Student Development, 62(3), 351-356. doi:10.1353/csd.2021.0042.
李云,范为桥*,李梦婷,张丽芳. (2021).青少年心理社会发展和生活满意感的关系:一项交叉滞后研究.心理学通讯,4(1), 11-19. doi: 10.12100/j.issn.2096-5494.220038
陈晓秋,范为桥.* (2020).合作行为研究综述:社会认知理论的视角.心理学通讯,3(3): 186-194. doi: 10.12100/j.issn.2096-5494.219046
Dong, Y., Fan, W.*, &Cheung, F. M. (2020). Development of a Short Form of the CPAI-A (Form B) with Rasch Analyses. Journal of Applied Measurement, 21(4), 515-532
王梦, 范为桥*, 沈英. (2019).整体型和局部型思维风格的ERP研究. 心理与行为研究. 17, 472-479
Wang J., Fan W.*, Cheung F.M., Wang Q., and Li M. (2019). Personality and Chinese adolescents’ career exploration: The mediation effects of self-efficacy and perceived parental support. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 13, e28. Doi:10.1017/prp.2019.16
Li, M., Fan, W.*, Cheung, F. M., & Wang, Q. (2019). Reciprocal Associations Between Career Self-Efficacy and Vocational Identity: A Three-Wave Longitudinal Study. Journal of Career Assessment, 27, 645-660.Doi: 10.1177/1069072718796035
Li, M., Fan, W.*, Chen, X., & Cheung, F. M. (2019). Independent and Interdependent Personalities at Individual and Group Levels: Predicting Loneliness in Chinese Adolescents. Personality and Individual Differences, 147, 85-90.
Li, M., Fan, W.*, Cheung, F. M., & Wang, Q. (2018). Could meaning in life contribute to adolescents' vocational commitment and identity? A longitudinal analysis in different Chinese cultures. Journal of Pacific Rim Psychology, 12, e36.
王梦,姜英虹,范为桥. (2018).人格、职业兴趣和职业信心对高中生专业意向影响的比较.心理学通讯,1(3):209-215.
李梦婷,范为桥*,陈欣银. (2018).同伴侵害与人际关系取向人格特质的交叉滞后分析:---城市原住儿童与农村随迁儿童的比较.心理发展与教育, 6, 682-691.
Li, M., & Fan W.* (2017). The role of thinking styles in career development among Chinese college students. The Career Development Quarterly, 65, 237-249.
Xie, Q. & Fan, W.* (2016). Personality and Parenting Style as Predictors of Life Satisfaction among Chinese Secondary Students. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25, 423-432.
Fan, W., Zhou, M., Cheung, F. M., Zhang, J., & Zhou, X. (2016). Contributions of resilience to mental health in Chinese secondary school students at different disaster stress levels. The Asia-Pacific Education Researcher, 25, 389-398.
Fan, W., Cheung, F. M., Leong, F. T. L., & Cheung, S.F. (2014). Contributions of Family Factors to Career Readiness: A Cross- cultural Comparison. The Career Development Quarterly, 62, 194-209.
Cheung, F. M., Wan, S. L.Y., Fan, W., Leong, F., & Mok, P. C. H. (2013).Collective contributions to career efficacy in adolescents: A cross-cultural study. Journal of Vocational Behavior, 83, 237- 244. DOI:10.1016/j.jvb.2013.05.004
范为桥. (2012).智力风格的实践支持与理论困惑.外国中小学教育,6,11-15.(Fan, W. (2012). Empirical Evidence and Theoretical Controversies of Intellectual Styles ---- A Perspectives on Academic Achievement. Primary and Secondary Schooling Abroad,6, 11-15.)
Fan, W. (2012). An experimental comparison of the flexibility in the use of thinking styles in traditional and hypermedia learning environments. Thinking Skills and Creativity, 7: 224-233. doi: 10.1016/j.tsc.2012.04.007.
Ng. A., Fan, W., Cheung, F.M., Leong, F. T. L., & Cheung, S.F. (2012). The CPAI-2 as a Culturally Relevant Personality Measure in Differentiating among Academic Major Groups. Journal of Career Assessment, 20(2), 196-207. doi:10.1177/1069072711420857.
Fan, W., Cheung, F. M., Leong, F. T. L., & Cheung, S. F. (2012). Personality Traits, Vocational Interests, and Career Exploration: A Cross-cultural Comparison between American and Hong Kong Students. Journal of Career Assessment, 20 (1), 105 – 119.doi:10.1177/1069072711417167.
范为桥,张妙清,张建新,张树辉. (2011).兼顾文化共通性与特殊性的人 格研究:CPAI及其跨文化应用.心理学报, 43(12), 1418-1429.【备注:(1)本文于2012年被中国人民大学办刊复印资料《心理学》第五期全文转载; (2)本文于2012年获得上海市第十一届哲学社会科学优秀论文三等奖;(3)本文获得心理学报2011年度优秀论文奖】
Fan, W., Zhang, L. F., & Watkins, D. (2010). Incremental Validity of Thinking Styles in Predicting Academic Achievements: An Experimental Study in Hypermedia Learning Environments. Educational Psychology, 30(5), 605-623. doi: 10.1080/01443410.2010.496899.
Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., & To, C. (2009). Teaching and learning guide for: The Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory as a culturally relevant personality measure in applied settings. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 3(6), 1113-1119.
Fan, W., & Zhang, L. F. (2009). Are Achievement Motivations and Thinking Styles Related? A Visit among Chinese University Students. Learning and Individual Differences, 19(2), 299-303.
范为桥,张妙清,张树辉,梁觉. (2008).香港中学生人格特质的性别差异及其发展性分析.心理学报, 40(9), 1002-1012.
张妙清,范为桥,张树辉,梁觉. (2008).跨文化(中国人)个性测量表-青少年版(CPAI
A)的香港标 准化研究 -兼顾文化共通性与特殊性的人格测量.心理学报 ,40(7), 839-852.
Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., & To, C. (2008). The Chinese Personality Assessment Inventory as a culturally relevant personality measure in applied settings. Social and Personality Psychology Compass, 2(1), 74-89.
Fan, W., & Ye, S. (2007). Teaching Styles among Shanghai Teachers in Primary and Secondary Schools. Educational Psychology, 27(2), 255-272.
Zhang, L. F., & Fan, W. (2007). Do modes of thinking predict career interest types among Chinese university students? Thinking Skills and Creativity, 2, 118-127.
Fan, W. (2005). Could university students’ academic achievements be predicted by thinking styles in hypermedia environment? Research Studies in Education, 3, 125-135.
范为桥 (2001). 心理福利的理论基础,上海师范大学学报(哲社版),1:52-58.
范为桥 (2000). 思维风格及其在中国学生中的应用研究,外国中小学教育,6:21-26.
范为桥 (2000). 心理福利的理论与范畴,社会科学, 2:56-59.
范为桥 (1999). 美国男女同校与分校教育比较研究综述,外国中小学教育,5: 36-38, 41.
范为桥 (1999). 心理福利的结构研究,应用心理学,5 (2): 43-49.
•Fan, W. Subjective well-being and student development. (2021). In L. F. Zhang (Ed.), Oxford Encyclopedia of Educational Psychology. Oxford University Press. https://doi.org/10.1093/acrefore/9780190264093.013.900
Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., & Cheung, S. F. (2017). Indigenous measurement of personality in asia. In A. T. Church (Ed.), The praeger handbook of personality across cultures: Trait psychology across cultures (vol. 1) (pp. 105-135, Chapter xiii, 358 Pages) Santa Barbara, CA: Praeger/ABC-CLIO
Leong, F.T.L, Fan, W., & Zhou, X. (2016). Assessment of Career Interests. In F.T.L. Leong, D. Bartram, F. M. Cheung, K. F. Geisinger, and D. Iliescu’s (Editors), ITC International Handbook of Testing and Assessment. (pp252-263). New York: Oxford University Press.
范为桥 (2013). 心理福利. 上海:上海人民出版社。
Cheung, F. M., Cheung, S. F., & Fan, W. (2013). From Chinese to cross-cultural personality assessment: A combined emic–etic approach to study personality in culture. In M. Gelfand, Y. Y. Hong, & C. Y. Chiu (Eds.), Advances in culture and psychology (Vol. 3) ( pp.117–180 ). Oxford, England: Oxford University Press.
Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., & Yao, D. J. (2012). Chinese personality and vocational behavior. In X. Huang & M. H. Bond (Eds.), The handbook of Chinese organizational behavior: Integrating theory, research, and practice (pp. 359–379). Cheltenham, England: Edward Elgar.
Fan, W. & He, Y. F. (2011). Intellectual Styles and Academic Achievement. In L. F. Zhang, R. J. Sternberg, & S. Rayner, Handbook of Intellectual Styles: Preferences in Cognition, Learning, and Thinking (p235-251). NY: the Springer Publishing Company.
Fan, W. (2011). Intellectual Styles among Chinese College Students. Hefei, China: University of Science and Technology of China Press.
Zhang, L. F., & Fan W. (2010). The Theory of Mental Self-Government Grows Up: Where Has It Led the Field after 21 Years? In S. Rayner and E. Cools (Eds.), Style differences in cognition, learning, and management (pp.46-59). New York: Routledge.
范为桥 (2001). 社会交往。见袁军主编:《心理学概论》第12章.南宁:广西教育出版社.
Zhou, X., Fan, W., & Wang, J. (2018, July 2-5). Universal and Cultural-specific Personality Traits and Academic Performances among Chinese High School Students. The 11th International Test Commission conference, Montreal, Canada.
Zhou, X., & Fan, W. (2018, June 26-30). The Role of Significant Others in Chinese Youths’ Career Development: Communication, Consulting, and Involvement under the Globalization and Glocalization Background. The 29th International Congress on Applied Psychology (ICAP), Montreal, Canada.
Fan, W. (2015, August). Testing the CAPI-A across cultures: Hong Kong, Mainland China, and the USA. The 9th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Shanghai, China.
Fan, W. (2015, August). A ERP study of Thinking Styles. The 9th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Shanghai, China.
Fan, W. (2015, September). Career Planning in Shanghai, China. 2015 Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Fan, W. (2015, September) Career Counseling in Shanghai: Unremitting Exploration. 2015 Asia Pacific Career Development Association (APCDA) Conference, Tokyo, Japan.
Fan, W. (2014, July). Relationship patterns among personality, career efficacy, and career identity across cultures: Hong Kong, Mainland China, and USA. The 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology. Paris, France.
Fan, W. (2014, July). (Chair). Personality Assessment within and across Cultures: Recent Applications of CPAI-2 & CPAI-A. The 28th International Congress of Applied Psychology, Paris, France.
Fan, W. (2014, July). (Chair). Personality Assessment with the Combined Etic-Emic Approach: Recent Applications of the CPAI-2 & CPAI-A and Their Incremental Validities. The 9th Conference of the International Test Commission. San Sebastian, Spain.
范为桥. (2013, November).中学生的心理健康与韧性:灾区与非灾区的比较.第十六届全国心理学学术大会,南京.
Fan, W. (2012, July). Emic and etic scales of the cross-cultural personality assessment inventory (Cpai): recent research findings on career development of Chinese students. Paper presented at the 30th ICP.Cape Town, South Africa.
Fan, W. (2011, November). From West to East: Career Development and Employability enhancement Among College Students in the US, Hong Kong, and Mainland China. Paper presented at the 2nd ASEM (Asia-Europe Meeting) University-Business Forum, Bonn, Germany.
Fan, W., & Zhang, L. F. (2011, September). The relationship between thinking styles and personality traits: A Culturally Relevant Perspective among Chinese University Students. Paper presented at the 7th Chinese Psychologist Conference, Taibei, China.
Fan, W., Cao, H., Cheung. F. M., & Cheung, S. F. (2011, July). Social Change and personality: regional difference in personality among Mainland and Hong Kong Chinese secondary school students. Paper presented at the 9th Biennial Conference of Asian Association of Social Psychology, Kunming, China.
范为桥,吴伟业,张妙清, Frederick T. L. Leong. (2010, 11).人格特质与职业兴趣的契合:大学生专业选择与职业决策.第十三届全国心理学学术大会,上海.
Leong, F. T. L., Cheung, F. M., Fan, W., & Ng, C. M.Y. (2011). A cross-cultural comparison of CPAI-A correlates of career self-efficacy in American and Chinese adolescents. 12th European Congress of Psychology, Istanbul, Turkey, July.
Fan, W., & Cheung, F. M. (2010). A preliminary comparison of standardization studies of CPAI-A between Hong Kong and mainland China. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, China, July.
Fan, W. Cheung, F. M., Leong, F. T. L., & Cheung, S. F. (2010). Parental influence, personality traits, and readiness for career decision-making among Hong Kong college students. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, China, July.
Ng.A., Cheung,F.M., Fan,W., Leong,F.T.L.,& Cheung,S.F.(2010). Differences in CPAI-2 Personality Traits among Chinese College Students from Different Study Fields. Paper presented at the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission, Hong Kong, China, July.
Fan, W. (2010, July). the 7th Conference of the International Test Commission(July18-21, Hong Kong, China):How disaster experience influenced adolescents’ mental health: Findings from CPAI-A.
2009年the 11th European Congress of Psychology(July 7-10, Oslo,Norway):”Cross-cultural validity and utility of the CPAI-2 in career counseling for Hong Kong and American college students.”
2008年第29届国际心理学大会(ICP) (柏林,德国): “Mediating Vocational Interests and Moderating Parenting Styles: A Cross-cultural Comparison of Contributions of Personality Traits to Career Exploration among Hong Kong and American University Students.”
2008年第6届华人心理学家大会 (香港): “Standardization of the Cross-cultural [Chinese] Personality Assessment Inventory for Adolescents in Hong Kong -- A Combined Emic-Etic Approach to Personality Assessment.”
2005年 the 11th Binnial conference EARLI 2005 (European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction) (Nicosia,Cyprus) and present the paper of “Are Achievement Motivations and Thinking Styles Related? A Visit in Chinese University Students.”
2004年第28届国际心理学大会 (北京,中国): “Could university students’ academic achievements be predicted by thinking styles in hypermedia environment?”